OSCE supports explosive ordnance disposal course for specialists of Tajikistan’s Defence Ministry and Tajik Border Troops
Fifteen specialists from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and Border Troops of the Republic of Tajikistan completed a two-week Explosive Ordnance Disposal course (EOD level 1-2) on 4 May 2024 in Bokhtar of the Khatlon region.
The EOD level 1-2 course aimed to provide the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties and tasks during explosive ordnance disposal operations of a qualified EOD operator (level 1-2) in accordance with the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS).
Other main topics covered in the course were explosives and explosive theory; fuse arming forces and fuse types; land service ammunition and EOD safeties during disposal; protective works and personal protective equipment (PPE); EOD reconnaissance; movement of explosive ordnance; transportation and storage; methods of disposal; demolition range management and disposal of explosive ordnance.
Colonel Yusuf Naimov, Head of the Department of Engineering Troops of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Tajikistan noted the importance of co-operation between the MoD, OSCE and other stakeholders and thanked for the support and implementation of joint trainings in the area of explosive hazards reduction and response within the framework of the Integrated Co-operation on Explosive Hazards Programme. He mentioned the significance of joint efforts to reduce the risks of explosive hazards and work on creating a safer environment for the population. Colonel Naimov said that the MoD hoped to continue and expand the co-operation in this priority area.
The course will sustain the training capacity within the MoD to train its staff on explosive hazards and operational management resources. It will allow the MoD to continue internal capacity development and skills transfer in their respective departments in Tajikistan as per national and international standards.